The Best Way to Maintain your Space
There are many of things that are helpful when it comes to keeping up with your home. Being mindful of your purchases, making shopping lists and sticking to it and regularly decluttering are all musts to be intentional about your space. But if I had to pick my favorite and the biggest habit that contributes to keeping your home in check it would be this:
Don’t Put it Down, Put it Away
Who likes to marathon clean? Definitely not me. So instead of waiting until the house gets out of control, let’s take preventative measures on the front end. I know when you come home you might be exhausted, and the temptation to just throw everything down is huge. However, we have to train ourselves and our families to take the extra minute and put things where they belong instead of the closest surface. One minute versus a huge, multi space clean later.
Here are some routines that we do as a family to keep the surface clutter at bay and put things away:
When we get home, everything goes where it belongs. We have a home for everything so this make putting things away easy. Coats and bags have hooks, shoes have a bin, paper for kids and adults have separate homes. This make it a fast an easy task to take things where they go.
Before bed, we do a quick reset. My kids know they have to have a clean floor as part of their evening routine. Dirty clothes away, toys away and clean clothes back where they belong.
I reset the kitchen each time I use it. After breakfast, I allot time to load the dishwasher and put everything away. The same goes for each time I use the kitchen. That way I’m never left with a huge pile of dishes or ingredients left out.
If you have kids and don’t think they can get into these habits, you are not alone. However, you might be surprised at how quickly kids can hop into a routine. If you would like to learn more, scroll down.