Decluttering with Kids

Decluttering is hard enough for adults. For kids, depending on their temperament and age, it can be exponentially more difficult.  So how on earth do you help your kids start to declutter their belongings?!   Fear not.  Here is the down low on how to help your kids AND manage your own expectations on helping your kiddos let go.  

1.  It is so important to include your kiddos in the process.  It can actually be very detrimental to make things disappear without their permission.
2. Get a gauge for how the space causes them to feel. Ask them to think about how they would like the space to look, but more importantly how they would like it to feel. This helps them have input and ownership over the space. It also gets some buy-in to being accountable for how to get the space decluttered. At that point you can explain how it works. For example: We get to make some decisions about things we don't really use or play with, or that are broken so that we keep our most favorite toys out. We can re home our toys (or other) that we don't play with to another family and other kids who would be so happy to receive it. You know your kids best, so the words might not be the same, but it's the general concept and gentle, but encouraging action approach.   
 3. Set ground rules about broken or lost pieces. If it's broken or a piece is lost, it should go away. If it's ripped or soiled it should also go too.    
4. Start with easier items-  If they have not played with toys for years, that might be easier to get rid of.
5. Set tangible goals- If they have 30 stuffed animals, we need to choose 10 to give to another family (just for example sake).
6. Set a timer and build in breaks. Start with 20 minutes and see how far you get, if they still have energy to keep going then keep going. If not then take a break and come back. repeat.
7. Try not to impart your feelings on your kids toys (so hard sometimes!). If they think it's important or if they think it is unimportant, it is their item. 

The Best Way to Maintain your Space


Summertime Decluttering Tips