Our Favorite Tips for Spring Cleaning

This is one of my favorite times of the year. Spring in Washington DC is truly special. The daffodils are slowly coming up, the weather is slowly warming up, soon my yard will be a beautiful rainbow of loveliness. With spring comes spring cleaning, and it really is an amazing opportunity to refresh your space. Here are our favorite tips for tackling your seasonal projects:


  1. Choose the right project for the right time-we get excited at the first sign of spring, but there are better times to do certain things.  For example, swapping out your winter and summer clothes is better suited for when the weather becomes consistently warm, that way you're not doing the same project multiple times.  Cleaning out the garage or shed is best on a cooler day rather than waiting until the stifling heat, and bugs arrive.

  2. Go room by room - Pick your area and stay there until you see the project through!  Organizing always gets worse before it gets better, so keep the mess contained by doing one room at a time.

  3. Be Ruthless- When you are decluttering, take a very close look at what you are keeping and why. Did you use that item at all last season?  How about the last year?  Rather than creating space for something you don’t use or love, purge it and let that fresh spring air flow in its place.

  4. Do it the right way- Don’t skimp when it comes to sorting and categorizing.  Truthfully put in the work to pull everything out, sort it into piles, downsize and then contain your items in like groups.  It will honestly change your life.

  5. Label- No one wants to miss a minute of spring and summer vibes.  Labeling will help things be retrieved and returned easily so you can get back to your garden, beach or family time.

If you struggle to make decisions about what to keep and what to purge, here is a post completely dedicated to why you get stuck decluttering to help you overcome indecision and finally tackle your decluttering projects.


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