Four Things to do Before Bed for an Easier Morning

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We all know how the morning can go. You think you’ll have enough time to get everything ready, but inevitably you run out of time and the last 30 minutes turn you into Sargent Mom trying to get the kids out the door. In an effort to stop yelling at my kids so much, I went on a journey to find out a better way to manage my household. Daily habits, that make my everyday life easier. Here are 4 things that I do every night to make my morning go easier.

1. Prep lunches for tomorrow (kids and adults!) – I normally do this after the kids go to bed….wine helps

2. Clean the kitchen-ugh, I know this is sometimes a pain, but there is nothing worse than waking up to a dirty kitchen. In our house, the kids get to watch one show after dinner which I use as time to get this done.

3. Set out clothes and shoes for everyone. This one less thing to have to do in the morning rush! We have a box called the tomorrow box. Everyone picks out their clothes for the next day and gets to put it inside. The next morning, we bring the box downstairs and after breakfast we get dressed.

4. Put toys away- We make a habit to leave each room as we found it, this way we always come back to a clean space. I realize this may sound impossible, but hear me out. 1. When you live minimally and rotate toys often, you do not need to have a lot out, meaning there is not really much to put away. 2. When you make a home for everything, you know exactly where it goes and do not waste time trying to find a surface to leave something on.

Kait Hilton is a Home and Business Organizer located in the Washington, DC Area. HARMONie helps takes the stress out of life through organization. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Click on our contact page to schedule your free consultation!


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Organizing Routine for Kids